WWE Raw - June 29, 2020 results,recaps and review

WWE Raw results,recaps and review (June 29, 2020)


You had your big dreams and planted a seed. You wanted a flower, but turned out a weed. My petals will curl and fall to the ground, you’ll whisper my name and you’ll spread me around on the wings of the wind to the end of the earth, my legend will grow as my story gives birth, but before that I’m gonna liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.
The show opens with a brawl in the ring, as Samoa Joe tries to restore the peace and Bayley, Sasha Banks, and Asuka wail on each other.
Referees come down and break it up and Joe gets on the mic to welcome us to the show.
It’s supposed to be a contract signing, he says, and the brawl restarts.
Enter Dolph Ziggler, for some godforsaken reason.
He gets on the mic and introduces Drew McIntyre and I see now, it’s a double contract signing for both main event level singles titles on Raw.
Ziggler gets on the mic and asks where McIntyre would be without him, and the answer is that he’d be scratching and clawing in obscurity somewhere. He lays out a vision of their match where he survives everything Drew throws at him and wins the title, and then they sign the contract.
McIntyre says there was a time when they were like brothers, and family is always honest with each other. He went through hell to become the champion he is, and the biggest lesson of his journey is that the game is more mental than physical. He says Dolph needs the title because he’s never been the center of attention he’s dreamed of being.
He always drops the ball before the finish line, and Drew’s gonna make him do it again. He’s gonna do him a favor, because they’re family, and he’s gonna let Ziggler pick the stipulation of the match. Dolph scoffs and Asuka interrupts to yell at either him or Sasha Banks in Japanese. She signs her contract and Banks gets on the mic.
She says she’s not the same person Asuka faced before, she’s the blueprint and the conversation, and at Extreme Rules she’ll become Two Belts Bae. When she and Bayley are both double champs, they’ll take over the whole damn company. Sasha stamps the contract, and Bayley says that’ll be a horror show, to awkwardly work the tagline in.
Asuka attacks with a kick, they brawl, Drew catches a kick, Dolph ducks a big boot, and the heels run away up the ramp.
Backstage, Angel Garza is trying to bribe referee Jessika Carr with a rose.
We see that Zelina Vega and Andrade “Cien” Almas are with them, Carr leaves and an interview rolls up.
They say they’ll be next in line for a title shot after they beat Viking Raiders, and Big Show rolls up to say he’s pulling rank and he’ll be next because he has some issues with Randy Orton.
And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, an angry giant calls Randy Orton out.
Big Show reminds Randy that he’s a legend, but Andrade “Cien” Almas, Zelina Vega, and Angel Garza come down.
He says he’s not in the mood to play.
Almas says Orton questioned Show’s legend status and he says he’s got boots older than Garza and reiterates that he’s not in the mood. Angel says it doesn’t really matter what Big is, he’s gonna learn what the Street Profits will soon realize—
Big Show cuts him off and says if he wants to fight, c’mon, but Vega gets on the mic and says her boys are gonna do Randy Orton a favor. They surround the ring and tease getting in to fight Show.
Enter 71-year-old Ric Flair, on his third week running being at pandemic central.
He says Zelina knows how much respect he has for her and her boys, but he needs to have a word with his old friend, the great Big Show. Randy will come when he feels like it, he’s backstage right now, and if Show keeps it up, Orton’s gonna be a bigger and better Legend Killer. Until then, he gives Vega and her boys blessing to have fun at the giant’s expense.
They go to attack but the Viking Raiders save Big Show!

Andrade “Cien” Almas & Angel Garza vs. Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

Back from commercial in progress, Erik in control on Garza, staying one step ahead and dropping him with a waistlock takedown. Tag made, Vikings work him over with quick tags, but eventually Angel gets a tack and nails Erik with a superkick. Almas in, working Erik over, quick tags from the rudos, Andrade bails and starts to leave, prompting Vega to argue with him as we go to break.
Back from commercial, Almas has returned to the ring and is working Erik over in the corner with Garza’s assistance. The Viking fights back, judo throw into a knee strike, tag to Ivar! Andrade barely tags out, Warbeard has his way with Angel, freight train crossbody, cartwheel lariat to Almas when he runs in!
Banzai Drop on Garza, busting through a lariat, handspring back elbow countered with a dropkick and both men are down and out. Tags made, the Vikings stack ‘em up and Erik hits the World’s Strongest Slam / powerbomb combo! Popping Andrade up, he slips out of Viking Experience, the match breaks down, double knees in the corner, Erik pulling at him and forced to break by referee Jessika Carr!
Erik to the floor, Garza puts him into the post, tag made, underhooks...
Andrade “Cien” Almas & Angel Garza win by pinfall with the Wing Clipper from Garza on Erik.
Almas leaves alone with a sullen look on his face with Zelina Vega chasing after him.
We get a recap of the Liv Morgan stuff from last week.
Ruby Riott is shown hanging out backstage when the Iconic Duo show up to pick on her and call her a loser.
Ruby asks who it was that blew their tag title shot against Sasha Banks & Bayley, which gets them all defensive. Riott wants one of them to wrestle her so the other one can cart her pal to the back after she’s done beating the crap out of her.
And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Angel Garza and Andrade “Cien” Almas are bickering with Zelina Vega trying to keep the peace when Ric Flair rolls up to be a mumbly old man so quiet I can’t understand what he wanted, but they all walk off together.

Akira Tozawa (c) vs. R-Truth (WWE 24/7 Championship)

Circling, Tozawa goes behind into a schoolboy for one. Collar and elbow, Truth with a side headlock, shot off, hanging in the ropes, Ron dances for us. Akira calls on some ninja power and gets dumped to the floor. Back inside, drop down, leapfrog, Truth’s knee gives out but it was a ruse...
R-Truth wins by pinfall with a schoolboy pin to win the 24/7 Championship.
Post-match, one of Tozawa’s ninjas tries to steal the title back with a roll-up, but Truth runs away and out through the crowd.
Bobby Lashley and Montel Vontavious Porter are hanging out backstage.
Lashley says disrespect to MVP is disrespect to him, and he doesn’t want Porter offering Apollo Crews another shot at sitting under his learning tree. Montel says he’s not going to, the offer is dead, but he wants to give him a few more pearls of wisdom as he takes everything away from him.
They walk off and past Seth Rollins and Buddy Murphy.
Seth, holding one of Rey Mysterio’s masks, says this is his most important message and he has to deliver it now.
They walk off and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Seth Rollins and Buddy Murphy make their entrance and we get a recap of last week’s business with the Mysterios.
Rollins gets in the ring and on the mic.
He says last week Rey Mysterio and his son Dominick made a very heartwarming return to Monday Night Raw. They stood right here and said nothing is going to stop Mysterio from returning to the ring, and he believed that with all his heart. So does Rollins, because Rey has a duty to uphold, the problem is Mysterio hasn’t been seeing too clearly.
He thinks his duty is to his family, but in fact his duty is to be a sacrifice to the future of Monday Night Raw. He’s given Mysterio every chance to take the easy way out and walk away into the sunset, but he’s been defiant at every turn. What Rollins has to do now is so important— he calls Rey out says he needs to ask for forgiveness.
He begs Mysterio’s forgiveness, not for what he’s done in the past, but for what he’s being forced to do in the future. You see, they’re bound by fate, and as fate would have it, he is the Monday Night Messiah and Rey Mysterio is meant to be a sacrifice, so he’s forced to take a piece from him, and little by little tear him apart until nothing is left.
Rey and Dominick appear on the tron.
Rey asks forgiveness, but not to Seth, to Dom, for what he has to do to Rollins to avenge his eye. Dominick forgives his father, but says he’s never going to forgive Seth, and he’ll never forget what his father does to him.
Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo hit the ring and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Seth Rollins says he was hoping to run into Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo.
But before he puts them out of their misery, he wants to know why they keep fighting Rey Mysterio’s battles when clearly he won’t fight for them. He’s a fraud and a coward— Carrillo interrupts and says Rey isn’t a coward, Seth is, and this is for his people.

Aleister Black & Humberto Carrillo vs. Buddy Murphy & Seth Rollins

Murphy and Black to start, Aleister running hot and keeping him off-balance. Rollins takes him to the floor and beats him down. Back inside, lighting Al up in the corner, the heels take full control and work him over for a while. Carrillo with the tag, sending Seth to the floor, enzuigiri from the apron takes Murphy down, off the top with a missile dropkick that hangs Buddy up in the ropes but Rollins saves his disciple from the 619!
Pump kick sends Seth back to the floor, Humberto charges in, double jump crossbody sends us to break!
Back from commercial, the heels have Carrillo isolated but he manages to lay Rollins out with an enzuigiri! Tags made, Black with a boot to Rollins, hard elbow to Murphy, lighting him up with kicks, sliding knee, fighting Seth off when he comes back in, quebrada takes ‘em both out! Aleister drawing Buddy up, he counters, Humberto with a tag!
Running knee sets Murphy up, 619... SETH BREAKS THE PIN UP! Black gets dumped by the Messiah, suicide dive follows, dropkick from Humberto cuts him off but Buddy nails him with a hard knee... NOT ENOUGH! Up in the turnbuckles, jockeying for position, Cheeky Nando’s from Murphy! Rollins tags in... KNEE STRIKE ASSISTED POWERBOMB ISN’T ENOUGH TO KEEP CARRILLO DOWN!
Seth lining him up, Black pulls Murphy to the floor to beat him down, Humberto with a folding press for a deep two! Rollins capitalizes...
Buddy Murphy & Seth Rollins win by pinfall with Blackout from Rollins on Humberto Carrillo.
Post-match, the heels beat Black down but Carrillo makes the save before they can spike him into the steps! Murphy lays Humberto out with the steps, Rollins grabs the mask he’s been carrying and puts it on Carrillo! He tells him he looks just like his idol and directs Buddy to drag him over to the steps.
Black makes the save to return the favor but as he’s fighting Murphy off, Seth hits Blackout on Humberto on the steps!
Backstage, Asuka and Drew McIntyre are interviewed.
Asuka chatters in Japanese and McIntyre says Dolph Ziggler is looking to get an advantage over him tonight, but he’s just having some fun, and he gave Dolph the pick of the stipulation so he has no excuse when he loses. Asuka says Dolph isn’t ready for Drew.
We’re promised a tribute to the Undertaker after the break.

Back from commercial, we get the aforementioned Undertaker tribute, which is a recap of the tribute stuff from last week’s SmackDown and a music video.
Lana is backstage trying to sell Ruby Riott on friendship or something and Ruby isn’t having it.
She keeps trying and says a woman pulled her out of her depression last week, a woman with more wins than anybody in modern WWE women’s history— Natalya.
And so we go to break.

Peyton Royce vs. Ruby Riott

Jawing, Billie Kay with a distraction and Royce fires off a reverse roundhouse kick! Arm wrenches, knee drop to the arm, taking her to the corner for more damage as Kay cheers her on. Choking Riott in the ropes, arm wringer, into a hammerlock, cover for two. Sidestep the charge, duck a lariat, Ruby with a solebutt into a front kick and arm-trap forearms to set up a Nodowa Otoshi!
Cover for two, Riott with an arm wringer of her own but Billie runs interference. Trading covers, Peyton with a gamengiri...
Peyton Royce wins by pinfall with a twisting brainbuster.
Backstage, Big Show is stretching when an interview rolls up.
He talks about how he grew up with Ric Flair as a hero and how he welcomes Randy Orton to come try him and find out why he’s the Big Show. As far as Andrade and Garza go, they’re not getting the friendly happy Big Show, they’re getting one angry giant... after the break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of tonight’s opening segment, because Raw is three hours long. (Three hours long.)

Andrade “Cien” Almas & Angel Garza vs. Big Show (Handicap Match)

Garza and Almas try to make the other guy the one to start and they roll out together. Vega orders them to pick one, Garza goes in and immediately hides in the corner. Overhand chops from Show, making a display of hammering Angel right in front of Andrade and throwing him out of the ring right in front of Zelina!
Garza back inside, he immediately bails and Almas comes in this time. Show takes him into the corner, more overhand chops, slingshotting him back in when he goes to escape, scooping and slamming him. Giant step, but Andrade fires up and fights back with strikes only to get dropped by a headbutt as an increasingly worried Vega looks on.
Another headbutt knocks him into Garza for the tag! The giant waves him in and turns him around for another huge overhand chop! Hard whip, Angel manages to get a dropkick to the knees and capitalizes with more leg kicks to take Show down to his knees! More kicks, to the leg and the head, keeping the pressure up and Almas tags in blind!
Garza bickers with him and tries to pull him away from Show, they get into a shoving match, and Angel walks out! Zelina tries to keep the peace but Garza says this is Andrade’s moment! Almas turns around to Big Show ready with the goozle...
Big Show wins by pinfall with a chokeslam on Andrade “Cien” Almas.
Post-match, he draws Almas up... WMD!
Backstage, Apollo Crews, Ricochet, and Cedric Alexander are hanging out when a wary R-Truth rolls up.
He thinks he’s finally evaded the ninjas but then immediately suspects his friends here. Cedric reassures him he’s not a ninja and Truth switches to putting Richard O’Shea over as his favorite superhero.
And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, MVP and Bobby Lashley make their entrance and get on the mic.
Bob prompts Porter to enumerate the reasons he’s teaching Apollo Crews a lesson. He says when he goes home to the 305, people ask how they can be like him, and he says he can inspire them, and none of this matters if you can’t give back. That’s why it’s a joy for him to help Lashley unlock his limitless potential.
Some folks take a heartfelt gesture and ignorantly reject it, and that brings him to Crews. When one of the longest-reigning United States Champions of all time offers to mentor you, you don’t reject it, and he will not be disrespected.
Enter Apollo Crews.
He says he means no disrespect, it’s just that he’s a self-made man, and if MVP cared about anybody but himself, he would have listened when he turned down his services the first time instead of pushing and pushing. The only person that MVP truly cares about helping, he says, is himself.
Porter says he admires that, but Crews really doesn’t want him as an enemy.

Apollo Crews vs. Montel Vontavious Porter

Side headlock, shot off, shoulder block, drop down, Porter hangs himself up in the ropes and dodges the dropkick. Crews with a Frankensteiner into a dropkick, fireman’s carry, Montel grabs the ropes but Apollo drops him! MVP rolls to the floor with Lashley... CREWS WITH A TOPE CON GIRO TO TAKE BOB OUT! Montel throws him into the steps and we go to break.
Back from commercial, Porter’s working a top wristlock but Crews fights to his feet with right hands. Off the ropes, MVP drops him with a big boot for two, putting boots to him, dropping a knee, again the cover is good for two. Punches in the corner, Apollo ducks a big boot and Montel gets hung up in the turnbuckles!
Punches and chops, windmilling MVP into the corner, Crews fired up, corner lariat, whip across, Stinger Splash! Spinning spinebuster... NOPE! Up top, Lashley with a distraction, Porter runs the ropes to knock him down, corner boot sets up a bridging fisherman suplex...
Montel Vontavious Porter wins by pinfall with a bridging fisherman suplex.
Post-match, Crews attacks MVP but Bob makes the save and locks the full nelson on! Referees swarm the ring to break it up but it takes Ricochet and Cedric Alexander hitting the ring to pry him loose!
And so we go to break.

Bobby Lashley vs. Ricochet

I miss the first beats but sure enough, Lashley is throwing Ricochet around, hard shoulder thrust in the corner, delayed vertical suplex, throwing him to the floor where MVP drops him face-first into the announce table! Referee Drake Wuertz counting, Lashley heads to the floor and throws Ricky into the barricade!
Canadian backbreaker rack, Yokosuka Cutter... RICOCHET KICKS OUT! Throwing Ricky around some more, to the floor, release suplex, Bob just absolutely dominating... FIREMAN’S CARRY AND HE RUNS RICOCHET FACE-FIRST INTO THE POST! Breaking the count, back inside, charging but Ricochet crumbles before the spear can connect!
Lashley lying in wait but Ricky has the full nelson scouted and Bob has to let go! Low bridge sends him to the floor, Ricochet fired up and ready to capitalize, he dives off the apron but Lashley catches him! Fireman’s carry, Ricky slips out and puts Bob into the post this time! Waiting for Lashley to climb back in, quebrada connects... NOPE!
Cedric Alexander takes MVP out at ringside, Ricochet with kicks to stagger Bob, knock him down with a superkick, but he catches the buzzsaw roundhouse and hits the thrust spinebuster to turn the tide right back! Sweat pouring down Lashley’s face, fury and vigor, he gets the full nelson...
Bobby Lashley wins by submission with the full nelson.
Post-match, Lashley knocks Alexander out in the full nelson as well!
Backstage, Dolph Ziggler is giving Bayley and Sasha Banks a pep talk and he asks them to let him take care of business. Sasha laughs in his face and says he’s been running around with Mandy Rose and Otis while they’ve been dominating.
And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of our opening segment, because Raw is three hours long. (Three hours long.)

Asuka & Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler & Sasha Banks (Mixed Tag Team Match)

McIntyre and Ziggler to start, circling, Dolph goes low for a leg pick but Drew hosses him up and tosses him aside! Shooting back in for the leg pick, again McIntyre hosses him up and shrugs him off. Drew nails him with a big chop, draws him up, smashes his face into the turnbuckles and lays him out with another huge chop!
Dolph puts boots to him and gets the Fameasser but it’s only a nearfall! Toss into the corner, Banks makes the tag and of necessity Asuka comes in as well. A shoving match breaks out, Sasha ducks the Uraken, off the ropes, the Empress knocks her down! Hip attack dodged in the corner, back and forth, Asuka Lock nearly applied but he men come in and the match breaks down!
Uraken connects, and we go to break.
Back from commercial, the men are legal again and McIntyre is working Ziggler over. Dolph gets free and hits the big DDT! Tags made, Asuka in hot, running hip attack, German suplex, sliding knee... SO CLOSE! Bayley running interference from commentary, the Boss hits Meteora off the apron, back inside... NOPE!
Snap suplex, another two for Banks, and she follows it up with a reverse chinlock. Asuka fights out with back elbows, whip reversed, Sasha traps her for the double knee drop in the corner and another two count! Sleeper applied, shifting, double chickenwing, shift to a surfboard, Asuka gets away and lands a few strikes into a Codebreaker!
Both women down and out, crawling... tags made! McIntyre in hot, whip into a belly-to-belly suplex, another one, up top, diving lariat into a kip-up and the WWE Champion is rolling! Underhooks, Future Shock denied, off the ropes, Dolph with a satellite DDT attempt but Drew hosses him away! Banks makes the tag, slaps Drew’s back and jaws at him, which leads him to a Tenryu jab to Ziggler!
Asuka from behind, roundhouse kick... NOT ENOUGH! Dolph puts McIntyre into the post on the floor, Asuka draws Banks up but gets pinned for two! Buzzsaw blocked, schoolboy, no dice, crossface applied! Turning Asuka away from the ropes, but she breaks Sasha’s grip, flying armbar right into the Asuka Lock, reversed...
Dolph Ziggler & Sasha Banks win by pinfall with a bridging pin from Banks on Asuka.
The heels celebrate.
That’s the show, folks.
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